We have the right investment for you

Stanbic IBTC Balanced Fund

Price per unit
0.23% this month
Last 30 Days
  • 3.84%
    30-Day Price Change
  • 22.34%
    Year-to-Date Price Change
  • 29.92%
    1-Year Price Change
  • 150.90%
    5-Year Price Change
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Initial Investment
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Subsequent Subscription
  • 91 days
    Minimum Holding Days
  • High
    Investment Risk

The Stanbic IBTC Balanced Fund gives investors an almost equal exposure to both the stock/equity market and fixed income market. Investors seeking to have a well-diversified portfolio of both equities and fixed income investments (treasury bills, commercial papers) would find this fund appealing. The fund aims to provide stable capital appreciation by investing a minimum of 40% and maximum of 60% in equities and a maximum of 60% in money market instruments and a minimum of 20% in fixed income instruments.

  • Please read the Prospectus/Product Information and where in doubt, consult your financial or professional adviser for guidance before subscribing.
  • Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
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