We have the right investment for you

Stanbic IBTC Nigerian Equity Fund

Price per unit
-3.45% this month
Last 30 Days
  • 3.10%
    30-Day Price Change
  • 32.64%
    Year-to-Date Price Change
  • 39.09%
    1-Year Price Change
  • 221.51%
    5-Year Price Change
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Initial Investment
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Subsequent Subscription
  • 90 days
    Minimum Holding Days
  • High
    Investment Risk

The Stanbic IBTC Nigeria Equity Fund gives investors access to a wide array of equity investments which are simply stocks traded on the floor of the Nigerian stock exchange. If you are interested in equity investments and do not want the risk of exposing your money to just one or two equities but rather, prefer to have a diversified equity exposure, the Stanbic IBTC Nigeria Equity Fund is most suitable for you. The fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing a minimum 70% of its assets in listed equities and a maximum of 30% in fixed income securities.

  • Please read the Prospectus/Product Information and where in doubt, consult your financial or professional adviser for guidance before subscribing.
  • Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
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