We have the right investment for you

Stanbic IBTC Shari’ah Fixed Income Fund

Price per unit
0.02% this month
Last 30 Days
  • 0.02%
    30-Day Price Change
  • 2.24%
    Year-to-Date Price Change
  • 4.91%
    1-Year Price Change
  • 31.19%
    5-Year Price Change
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Initial Investment
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Subsequent Subscription
  • 0 days
    Minimum Holding Days
  • Low
    Investment Risk

The Stanbic IBTC Shariah Fixed Income Fund is suitable for Islamic investors who want capital growth by investing strictly according to the principles of Islamic finance and ethical values. The fund is different from other fixed income funds as it is invested in only Shariah compliant fixed income securities, such as sukuk bonds and short-term shariah complaint instruments. The fund seeks to provide investors with stable and competitive returns by investing a minimum of 70% of its portfolio in Sukuk Bonds and a maximum of 30% in short-term shariah compliant instruments.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

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