We have the right investment for you

Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund

Indicative Yield
2.58% this month
Last 30 Days
  • 5.40%
    30-Day Yield Change
  • 5.80%
    Year-to-Date Yield Change
  • 89.60%
    1-Year Yield Change
  • 259.29%
    5-Year Yield Change
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Initial Investment
  • ₦5,000
    Minimum Subsequent Subscription
  • 30 days
    Minimum Holding Days
  • Low
    Investment Risk

The Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund is a type of mutual fund that has relatively low risk compared to other mutual funds. With the Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund, investors get a higher rate of return than a traditional savings account. Your capital is preserved while generating steady stream of income for you. Are you thinking of investing towards acquiring an asset, paying school fees or for financial freedom? Regardless of what your investment objectives are, the Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund offers a more rewarding way to grow wealth. The fund is invested 100% in high quality short-term securities such as Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers and Fixed Deposits that are rated “BBB” and above.

  • Please read the Prospectus/Product Information and where in doubt, consult your financial or professional adviser for guidance before subscribing.
  • Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
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