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  • Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund is a type of mutual fund that has relatively low risk compared to other mutual funds. With the Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund, investors get a higher rate of return than a traditional savings account. Your capital is preserved while generating steady stream of income for you. Are you thinking of investing towards acquiring an asset, paying school fees or for financial freedom? Regardless of what your investment objectives are, the Stanbic IBTC Money Market Fund offers a more rewarding way to grow wealth. The fund is invested 100% in high quality short-term securities such as Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers and Fixed Deposits that are rated “BBB” and above.

    20.53% Indicative Yield
  • Stanbic IBTC Dollar Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Dollar Fund aims to provide currency diversification, income generation, and stable growth in USD. It seeks to achieve this by investing in US dollar denominated securities such as Eurobonds, money market instruments and foreign equities. If you are seeking to invest in USD to diversify your investment or perhaps, your objective is to build wealth in USD to enable you fund future USD denominated expenses such as school fees or relocation abroad, this is the ideal fund for you. A minimum of 70% of the portfolio of the fund is invested in high-quality Eurobonds, while a maximum of 30% is invested in short-term USD deposits and a maximum of 10% is invested in USD equities registered by the Securities & Exchange Commission of Nigeria.

    $1.5535 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Enhanced Fixed Income Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Enhanced Short-Term Fixed Income Fund aims to provide competitive yield, liquidity and safety through a combination of various investments in short to medium term securities issued by Federal and State Governments, as well as Corporate entities with minimum credit ratings of “BBB” issued by at least one recognized local rating agency registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    ₦135.97 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Guaranteed Investment Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Guaranteed Investment Fund aims to achieve both capital preservation and growth on investment. If you are looking for a fixed income investment that has a little exposure to equities, the Stanbic IBTC Guaranteed Investment Fund is ideal for you. The exposure to stocks/equities in the fund gives investors opportunity to take advantage of upswings in the stock market. Investors may also witness volatility when the performance of the stock market is not favorable. However, the fund guarantees investors’ principal amount against diminution in value provided the investment is held for a minimum period of three months. A minimum of 70% of the fund is invested in bonds, while a maximum of 30% of its assets are invested in money market instruments including treasury bills. In addition, a maximum of 10% of the asset of the fund can be invested in listed equities.

    ₦357.36 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Shari’ah Fixed Income Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Shariah Fixed Income Fund is suitable for Islamic investors who want capital growth by investing strictly according to the principles of Islamic finance and ethical values. The fund is different from other fixed income funds as it is invested in only Shariah compliant fixed income securities, such as sukuk bonds and short-term shariah complaint instruments. The fund seeks to provide investors with stable and competitive returns by investing a minimum of 70% of its portfolio in Sukuk Bonds and a maximum of 30% in short-term shariah compliant instruments.

    ₦133.23 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Balanced Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Balanced Fund gives investors an almost equal exposure to both the stock/equity market and fixed income market. Investors seeking to have a well-diversified portfolio of both equities and fixed income investments (treasury bills, commercial papers) would find this fund appealing. The fund aims to provide stable capital appreciation by investing a minimum of 40% and maximum of 60% in equities and a maximum of 60% in money market instruments and a minimum of 20% in fixed income instruments.

    ₦5,986.23 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Nigerian Equity Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Nigeria Equity Fund gives investors access to a wide array of equity investments which are simply stocks traded on the floor of the Nigerian stock exchange. If you are interested in equity investments and do not want the risk of exposing your money to just one or two equities but rather, prefer to have a diversified equity exposure, the Stanbic IBTC Nigeria Equity Fund is most suitable for you. The fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing a minimum 70% of its assets in listed equities and a maximum of 30% in fixed income securities.

    ₦23,610.33 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Ethical Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Ethical Fund aims to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing a minimum of 70% of the portfolio in listed stocks/equities of socially responsible companies and a maximum of 30% in high quality fixed income securities. The fund prohibits investments in certain businesses that trade in activities such as alcohol, tobacco and gambling. If you are interested in equity investments and do not want the risk of exposing your money to just one or two equities but rather, prefer to have a diversified exposure to socially responsible equities, the Stanbic IBTC Ethical Fund is most suitable for you.

    ₦2.67 Per Unit
  • Stanbic IBTC Imaan Fund

    The Stanbic IBTC Imaan Fund seeks growth of capital for investors while adhering to Islamic principles of investing. To achieve this, a minimum of 70% of the portfolio is invested in Shariah compliant stocks/equities and a maximum of 30% in other Shariah compliant assets such as Sukuks, with the approval of an Advisory Committee of Experts. Islamic principles generally prohibits investments in certain businesses (e.g., alcohol, tobacco and gambling) and investments in interest bearing debt obligations or businesses that derive interest income as their primary source of income.

    ₦421.56 Per Unit
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